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I am a Ph.D. candidate in networking and machine learning at Aalto University and Early Stage Researcher (ESR) in ITN WindMill project. I have graduated from the Amirkabir University of Technology in late Feb 2019 in MSc. My master thesis was about fraud detection in the communication industry during which I developed a Machine Learning (ML) based real-time system to identify fraudulent users in communication systems. At the moment, I am mainly working with mmWave FMCW radars for gesture recognition purpose. My research interests are Radio Frequency (RF) sensing, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Machine Vision, Graph Neural Networks, and Point Cloud Processing.

My first interview with ITN WindMill:

A brief presentation of my PhD topic:

My second interview with ITN WindMill (The second year of PhD):

The last interview with ITN WindMill (The third year of PhD):